SAV supports low carbon lean heat networks in Scotland

SAV Systems has recently engaged in a ground-breaking initiative to boost the development of low carbon district heating and lean heat networks in Scotland. SAV representatives were amongst 150 delegates attending a series of presentations, workshops and networking events promoting schemes that will reduce carbon emissions and alleviate fuel poverty. The three-day event provided a unique opportunity for people involved in Scottish district heating to exchange information, understand the challenges and explore potential solutions. Delegates were also able to learn more about how such challenges have been tackled successfully in Denmark.

Lars Fabricius, Managing Director of SAV Systems, commented: “There is enormous potential for district heating in Scotland and we have been involved in many of the projects that have already been delivered. However, there are still significant challenges to the wider roll out of lean heat networks.

“To that end, we are actively engaging with Scottish district heating stakeholders through events such as this, alongside the new office and low carbon application centre that we have recently established in Edinburgh.”


SAV’s Simon Kerr added: “One of the biggest obstacles to district heating in Scotland is the installation and ownership of distribution pipework. Overcoming this potential barrier requires a combined effort by everyone involved, so events such as this are crucial in bringing like-minded people together with a common purpose.”

The event was co-organised by Denmark’s leading district heating export organisation DBDH working with City of Edinburgh Council, Glasgow City Council and Highland Council.

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